Monthly Archives: May 2015

Week 6: A day in the life

It blows my mind and practically breaks my heart that 6 weeks in Bikram TT have passed. Thailand has certainly become home to me. The thought of leaving is one I can’t wrap my head around yet. Thankfully, I’ve got three more weeks here then one left to travel!
I’ve found that more than anything else, people from home are so surprised by the schedule here. Yes, I’m in a beautiful place. Yes, I love it so much. Yes, I’m deeply committed to Bikram yoga. BUT it is pretty hard work here. I don’t feel the need to constantly talk about it, yet it’s a frequent conversation topic out here. People struggling to memorize their postures, suffering pose by pose in the (very f-ing) HOT room, and deeply missing their loved ones. It’s pretty normal. All part of “the process” as they repeatedly tell us. I’ve experienced a few bumps in the road myself; however, thankfully and luckily, they really are too minor to even bother sharing. Instead, I think a good aspect to shed light on is the daily schedule here. One day as a good example — Thursday May 28.
8 am: class sign in

8:30 – 10: Bikram class 1 taught by Bikram’s wife Rajashree (temps and humidity is far above 105 degrees and 40%)

10 – 12 pm: shower and brunch in the main dining area

12:30 – 4: Lecture with Raj discussing yoga therapy and various Bikram yoga research done. During the second half, we were able to share a personal stories (half of the group did this week 1 & the rest of us went week 6)

4:30: class sign in

5 – about 7 pm: Bikram class 2 with the man himself (entertaining and mildly ridiculous as always)

7 – 9: shower and dinner

9:30 – about 2 am: Lecture with Bikram discussing a WIDE variety of topics followed by two episodes of the most painful Indian show ever created (just assuming from the “special” effects & “plot” line it can’t get worse)
Then, off to bed to start it again the next day!
The one activity we didn’t have this past Thursday, which sometimes replaces either the afternoon or evening lecture, was posture clinic.

For those who don’t know, we are required to memorize a 90 minute dialogue in order to teach the Bikram Yoga Beginning Yoga Class. Here we are broken up into little groups (love my group 8 friends) and various teachers supervise as two groups are paired together to recite the dialogue. Other trainees are demonstrators while one person plays teacher. We have to deliver sufficient dialogue in order to be checked off. It was something to get used to but now it is enjoyable, especially depending on your teacher leads. I’m lucky to have done pretty well the whole time through with minimal nerves or stress! Thanks corporate America for lots of practice public speaking 🙂 you did me well for my next career!
With how busy the days & weeks are here, I think it’s quite easy to understand why time has just been flying by. Many of us say that it’s the fastest period of our lives. I have no doubt I’ll look back on this as the best, quickest, most amazing 9 weeks of my life… At least to date! The weekends are truly treasures in the midst of theBgrueling week days. This past one happened to be one of my favorites. Saturday was topped off with an AMAZING massage. Sunday after I wentbback into town and returned to watch the sunset on the beach. ItBreally is the epitome of paradise! Until next week!


Week 5: It is so much more than a beautiful place…

Yes the backdrops are gorgeous, views are breathtaking, but Thailand is so much more than that. It’s a special place with the kindest people I’ve ever met and most surreal energy I’ve ever felt. To say it’s beautiful just does not do it any justice. 


It’s a bit of a cop out but really pictures and words can’t give it enough credit. There is something in the air, a way of life here that’s so special, simple & serene. 


Today was one of the most memorable days of my trip and honestly one that will stand out for the rest of my life. 10 of us yoginis visited 3 different temples… Each had their own style and all were incredibly peaceful. I feel more grateful than ever for one of the great Memorial Day weekend trips I could have ever asked for 🙂


Week 4: “Your job is to make people so happy that they come back tomorrow”🙏🏾

It was a special week at teacher training. We had a whole cast of senior teachers here. The classes from Tuesday night through Emmy’s final one (five classes in a row) were especially strong. Not just in the sense of my own personal, physical strength but in the sense of such powerful energy. There were so many valuable tidbits shared from the senior teachers. One of my favorite themes, which was mentioned by two of the male visiting teachers, was the idea of taking yourself OFF of autopilot while you practice. It’s such a common, frequent thing I’ve seen as a student (& am even guilty of at times). You walk into the room, say oh I know these 26 postures, and just maneuver through them on your own command. But, that’s really not what the practice is about, not where the growth will happen & not the way it was designed to help people with their problems OUTSIDE the room. 

With 200 people practicing here, trust me you feel and understand why group energy is so important. I know it’s not desirable or feasible for every person to attend TT but I do wish every person that practices could experience the power behind moving together and with energy. It would be so valuable. Just imagine how peaceful it feels for everyone to move in unison only after instructed by a teacher. 

A senior female teacher also shared a quote that was so special. As I was laying on my mat and she said it, i thought holy shit my life is going to be so different after I leave here. The quote is the title for this week’s blog post. She described that she has it up in her studio and reads it to herself before every class. I could feel the sincerity in her explanation (again the group energy) and felt so grateful I could strive to do the same. For all the times someone told me my life was going to change so much after teacher training — YOU WERE RIGHT! I know it will and am excited for what lies ahead in this world!

The time with Emmy was incredible. Manali (Bikrams niece who runs TT) always says Emmy is the walking encyclopedia of yoga, health and fitness. She is SO right. Elegant from head to toe and about as agile as I am, she glows in her LATE eighties! A testament that this practice and a yogi lifestyle will overcome many of the obstacles others face in late age. We were lucky enough to have her energy with us for over a week… A gift of TT I will ALWAYS cherish!

Life feels great here and the experience gets fuller by the day. From great new friends to fun special memories, I’m so grateful to have this experience right here, right now… It doesn’t get any better than this, well at least not yet 🙂











Week 3: Others hold up a mirror to show us what we cannot see ourselves

It’s hard to believe we’re one third of the way done with teacher training!  Not to mention how sad that is to even say!  Luckily, this is experience is quite good at forcing you to stay in the present moment so I won’t even begin to think about the end of it yet. Week 3 was great. We started our posture clinics, which is where we practice the dialogue we need to memorize verbatim. So far I’m enjoying it, doing pretty well, and a few postures ahead on my memorization. It’s a nice feeling to be learning the series of postures I love so dearly. We also had Emmy Cleaves arrive this past week. For those who do not know, she is the most senior teacher of Bikram Yoga. Somewhere in her eighties, she has the elegance of an experienced yogi and the knowledge to back it up. We are lucky enough to have her with us for a week and a half. This is not a gift to be taken lightly or one that every group of trainees receives! I’m working extra hard in her classes to be sure I soak it all up. 

There is so much to learn here. Every day you hear a new tip in the hot room or term in our anatomy lectures. It’s not overwhelming for me, someone who genuinely enjoys learning, but I could see how it could be mental overload for others. You’re also learning the dialogue for postures and trying to find a rhythm in the delivery of them as you teach. It’s fun and exciting! But, more than anything else, this 9 weeks is a learning experience about YOU! The staff constantly say this 9 weeks is all about focusing on yourself… Over and over again… Almost as much as they say “trust the process.” I sort of just glazed over it as they mentioned these phrases. And, then this past week, it clicked, holy shit this is really about me and it is quite an interesting “process” they’ve got out here.  

I mean what does “trust the process” really mean? Bikram’s process? Teacher training’s process? No. Neither of those. It’s your own process. How are you going to deal with feeling tired, stressed, physically exhausted? What attitude are you going to have when you’re forced repeatedly to just roll w the punches & follow whatever instructions are being given for the day’s activities? It’s a tremendous exercise is trusting yourself, understanding your behaviors & learning your limits so much more than it is about practicing 3+ hours of Bikram yoga every weekday.  I’ve been seeing a lot about myself and how positive my perspective really is while I’ve been here. There has been at least a handful of people who have either cried or seriously bitched to me, and it’s really made me appreciate the mindset I’ve developed over these past couple of years. People feel like crap or are sick of being told what is scheduled next, but I see it as an opportunity every day here. To decide how you want to act, the way you want to treat others, and the steps you take to go about your day. That’s where our choices are here, not in WHAT you do each day (no such luck for those struggling) but in HOW you do it. For me, the hardest part has been finding my alone time. I’ve adapted and realized waking up early a couple of mornings is worth that quiet moment to gather my thoughts or do some extra studying. It’s been helpful, peaceful, & a smart decisions that was all my alone. 

To wrap this lovely week up, I wanted to share the kindest, most flattering compliment I’ve ever received. I’ve bonded before class with one of the older guys here. We chat about spirituality, the yoga, all that good stuff. I was sitting on my mat before the am class and he came over to check on me. Nothing was wrong at all… But apparently he was worried because I didn’t have the usual huge smile on my face! So I assured him I was all good, not a thing wrong. Quite relieved he explained I don’t always have to be so bubbly, I can be a bit quiet as long as all is okay (he was actually the second person to point that out this week). Then he replied “you’re the type of person that carries the light for others, that’s a very special thing.” I literally was at a loss of words. I hugged him and said “that’s exactly why I’m here.” When I saw him later today and thanked him again for being so sweet to me earlier, he said sometimes we just need others to hold up a mirror & show us what we cannot see ourselves… This week I’m so endlessly grateful for that. 

#trusttheprocess #andyourself #hotrobatinthehotroom 



Week 2: Bring your practice with you wherever you go 🌏

A visiting teacher this week gave us the advice that no matter what you’re experiencing, remember your practice from your home studio, why you fell so in love with Bikram yoga, & bring that back to your mat here in Thailand at teacher training.  It was so beautiful to hear and resonated so strongly with me.  Her words were like breath of fresh air (inside the 95% humidity torture-chamber).  I’m learning quickly that the experience here will test your patience and determination often, but if you can just take a moment to remember why you’ve made this life changing decision, all doubts will be washed away. 

Week 2 had its ups and downs.  We’ve officially completed 21 classes the last two weeks.  But by the end of this week, I was more mentally drained than physically exhausted.  It’s difficult to follow someone else’s schedule for you and constantly be surrounded by the other trainees. It’s so exciting to get to meet people and share your backgrounds, but it becomes exhausting at times.  Then, to try to fit in staying in touch with family and friends felt near impossible!  I know I just needed some time to recharge because after just 1 day this weekend, I feel amazingly better.  

It’s been an absolutely beautiful Saturday relaxing around the resort. I had some great conversations with people today, from over lunch to just laying on the beach.  There is nothing more I can ask for. My life here feels so peaceful!  And, It’s funny to say I really don’t miss home much… I miss people I care about of course!  But Connecticut (or Nj)?  No not so much.  I think it’s becoming clearer and clearer to me I’m ready for a break from the northeast.  I have no idea yet when or where, yet I know it’s a great time to explore the idea! It is also great knowing I’m entering a community of people that I can connect with from all over the globe. It really feels like my options are endless. I’m so so grateful and humbled for that.  It’s the most exciting feeling!

For now, I’ll just keep studying dialogue & taking in all Thailand has to offer. I know Week 3 will be more challenging both physically and mentally. So my immediate plan is to rest up this weekend and squeeze in a beachside Thai massage 🙂 tough life! 
